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Sunday, August 24, 2014

Gimp : UI redesign

As a graphic designer for years I feel the need to make a contribution to the design community. Most of my works has been for commercial purpose but years ago i found all this open source software that benefit people giving them access to work with alternate software that can help them in there everyday life. I been a Photoshop user for year cause is the industry standard but once i need to use software for developing some artworks and Photoshop what not available at hand. I then try gimp in i was amaze of been available to do the work without the need of an expensive software like Adobe Photoshop. So started playing around with a great number of open source softwares including Blender which is as powerful as Autodesk Maya or 3D max. The only thing i thought about gimp, was the user interface. For example if you look at blender it looks like a professional software from the very beginning. I even look scarier than Maya. But it helps the software to build a great numbers of fans who fill it has the potential of commercial available software in the market. I think Gimp need this. I have shown the software to different people and even it is good an it accomplish what it needs to be done, some people fill it looks like a toy or even not too professional. So I wanted to help with this and I looked around and didn't find anything. So i decide to design a complete GUI base on the actual GUI of Gimp,  My idea was to make a professional looking GUI. My hope is that someday could become as a standard software in the industry as any other in it category. 

Gimp Interface GUI

 GimpTool bar options

Gimp Filters

More tool options.....

More filters.....


Hope you enjoy the Gimp redesign idea.

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